Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbal face powders

It’s made of selected ingredients and flowers. Effective for adults, men as well as women who have face skin trouble. Regular use of this powder makes the face skin soft, prevents and relieves acne so that the face stays fresh and clean

Nyonya Menner herbal fertility reducer

A special preparation used as a contraceptive that greatly reduces a woman’s fertility

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for children and nursing

Herbal remedy for various kinds of ulcers. Trats ulcerate gums and mouth, throat ulcers, cold sores, stinging and watery eyes, earaches and thrush.

Available in jamu super quality powder

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs post-pregnancy

Should be used by women following childbirth. Regulates blood circulation, strengthens the kidney, cleanses the blood, and promotes the production of mother’s milk. It also makes the body fit and keeps the face radiant.

Available in jamu super quality powder

Friday, May 1, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for extra strength/preparation for delivery

Women during from their sixth month of pregnancy until delivery. In addition to the remedial properties of SOROK I, this formula gives extra strength to the body to draw upon during labor and delivery of the baby.

Available in jamu super quality powder

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for morning sickness,fatigue

Special herbs for women during their first five months of pregnancy. A most effective health aid for both the mother and the fetus. Alleviates fatigue, morning sickness, lack of appetite, and various pains.

Available in jamu super quality powder

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nyonya Mennerherbal after birth cleanser

It helps to clean the blood remaining in the uterus. It strengthens the uterus and eliminates the colic. Pregnant women are not allowed to take this herbal.

Available in jamu super quality powder

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for regulation of menstruation

Herbal remedy for women with irregular menstrual periods.

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for yeast infections

Herbal remedy for vaginal discharge. For chronic condition, this jamu should be taken daily, while temporary sufferers should take it three times a week.

Available in pills and capsules

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nyonya Menner menstruation herbs

Assists with abdominal cramps and facial pallor due to poor blood fl ow during the menstruation cycle. Th ese special herbs increase the fl ow of blood and continue to regulate it.

Available in jamu super quality powder.

Nyonya Menner herbs to promote fertility

Should be taken regularly by women who have difficulty becoming pregnant. Promotes fertility however, these herbs should not be taken if menstruation occurs irregularly.

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs to strengthen the uterus

Herbs that strengthen the uterus. Should be taken by those prone to miscarriage

Also available in pills.

Nyonya Menner herbs for breast toning

These herbs should be taken to firm sagging breasts to a youthful, firm shape.

Available in jamu super quality powder, pills and exstrak kapsul

Friday, April 24, 2009

Nyonya Menner acne herbs

A special herbal preparation that works internally to rid the skin of acne. It keeps the skin smooth and healthy.

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills

Nyonya Menner herbs for female sex appeal

For women who desire to maintain a close physical relationship with their husbands. Keep them youthful, fresh, and attractive. Especially good when taken following childbirt.

Available in jamu super quality powder, pills and exstrak kapsul

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for female youthfulness

It retains women’s body to be always slim and firm. It also keeps the face to remain youthful. It is special for women who desire to maintain a close physical relationship with their husbands.

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills

Nyonya Menner herbs for health clear complexions

A special combination of herbs to refresh the female body. Used regularly, it keeps the skin clean and healthy and beautifies the complexion. Also helps regulate menstruation and renew the bodies energy. AWET AYU herbs should be taken daily, especially following one’s menstrual period.

Available in jamu super quality powder, pills and exstrak kapsul

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for female femininity

Prepared from selected ingredients and made especially for the woman who cares for her body and its appearance. Refreshes the body, keeping it healthy, fit and trim and gives the face a radiant look. Very effective in revitalizing the woman’s physical relationship with her husband.

Available in jamu super quality powder, pills and exstrak kapsul

Nyonya Menner herbs for health maintenance

Formulated for women who want to maintain their health and fitness. These herbs are especially good for stomach and also provide for youthful vigor throughout a women’s life.

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for skin maintenance

A rejuvenating herbal mixture for women. Refreshes and beautifies the skin. To be taken regularly in the morning.

Available in jamu super quality powder, pills and exstrak kapsul

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nyonya Menner herbs for after-birth

Gives special care for the mother’s body after giving birth. Strengthens the uterus, helps prevent vaginal discharge, regulates blood circulation, slims the stomach and waistline, and makes the face radiant.

Available in pills.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nyonya Menner slim body

herbs for women to maintain a slim body
For women to maintain a slim, healthy and fresh body and remain young. It’s good to take this herbs 3-4 packs a week.

available in Jamu super quality in powder- forms

Nyonya Menner Health and Beautycare

herbs for young women

Especially formulated for teenage girls who have just started menstruation. Used regularly, these herbs provide the best beauty care for a young body. Keeps the body slim and the skin smooth and radiant. Also a health aid for the rapidly developing body of the young woman.

Available in jamu super quality powder and pills

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Beras Kencur

Help to improve stamina, eliminate stiffness and exhaustion, improve blood circulation, eliminate flatulence and warm the body.

Direction for Use:
Mix with boiled or cold water +-150ml (3/4 glass). Drink and get the efficacy and the freshness. Good for adult, teenagers and children.

- No preservatives, artificial colors and sweeteners.
- Not recommended during pregnancy.
- Store in a cool and dry place.

One box (Contains 5 sachets).