( Celosia cristata L.)
Synonym :
C. argentea L. var cristata ( Levator skapula.) O. Ktze.
Familia :
Description :
Generally, jengger chicken is planted in yard and in gardens, rarity grows wild. This detectable crop from lowland until height of 1000 m dpl. Sodium as of this season grows straightening, height 60--90 cm, having bar thick and strong, branchs, grooved. Unique leaf, handle, situation is having interlude. Leaf blade its form ovoid until length with length 5--12 cm, wide 3,5--6,5 cm, back part is becoming sharp, sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge, fin bone, its(the colour is green meagrely redlining in the middle of leaf. Compound interest is in the form of seed, fleshly thick, wide top like jengger fighting cock, berlipat-lipat and bercangap or branchs, exit in tip of bar or in leaf axil, its(the colour purple, red, dice, or yellows. Fruit of box, ovoid, red of greenness, barst at the time ripe, there are two or some small seeds, having colour black. Propagation with seed.
Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: celala ( Gayo), banda ulu ( Toba), string interest ( Palembang). Java: jawer hayam, j. kotok ( Sunda), bayem cenggeng, jengger chicken ( Java), jhanghar chicken, rebha mangsor ( Madura). Nusa Tenggara: janggar ready ( Bali), ndae ana sina ( Bread), bunak manula larit ( Timor). Sulawesi: tatara manuk, sapiri manu, fires interest ( Minahasa), laya ( Gorontalo), langgelo ( Buol), kaputi chicken, rangrang jangang ( Makasar), interest taEi manu, puwa ri sawito ( Bugis). My shame: wire, kolak ( Kai), shop marerede ( Halmahera), sule-sule ( Ternate)melayu: spinach biludu, rara chicken. NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS Ji guan hua ( C.), coxcomb, cockscomb ( I), hahnenkamm. NAME OF SIMPLISIA CELOSIAE cristatae Flos ( interest jengger chicken
Synonym :
C. argentea L. var cristata ( Levator skapula.) O. Ktze.
Familia :
Description :
Generally, jengger chicken is planted in yard and in gardens, rarity grows wild. This detectable crop from lowland until height of 1000 m dpl. Sodium as of this season grows straightening, height 60--90 cm, having bar thick and strong, branchs, grooved. Unique leaf, handle, situation is having interlude. Leaf blade its form ovoid until length with length 5--12 cm, wide 3,5--6,5 cm, back part is becoming sharp, sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge, fin bone, its(the colour is green meagrely redlining in the middle of leaf. Compound interest is in the form of seed, fleshly thick, wide top like jengger fighting cock, berlipat-lipat and bercangap or branchs, exit in tip of bar or in leaf axil, its(the colour purple, red, dice, or yellows. Fruit of box, ovoid, red of greenness, barst at the time ripe, there are two or some small seeds, having colour black. Propagation with seed.
Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: celala ( Gayo), banda ulu ( Toba), string interest ( Palembang). Java: jawer hayam, j. kotok ( Sunda), bayem cenggeng, jengger chicken ( Java), jhanghar chicken, rebha mangsor ( Madura). Nusa Tenggara: janggar ready ( Bali), ndae ana sina ( Bread), bunak manula larit ( Timor). Sulawesi: tatara manuk, sapiri manu, fires interest ( Minahasa), laya ( Gorontalo), langgelo ( Buol), kaputi chicken, rangrang jangang ( Makasar), interest taEi manu, puwa ri sawito ( Bugis). My shame: wire, kolak ( Kai), shop marerede ( Halmahera), sule-sule ( Ternate)melayu: spinach biludu, rara chicken. NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS Ji guan hua ( C.), coxcomb, cockscomb ( I), hahnenkamm. NAME OF SIMPLISIA CELOSIAE cristatae Flos ( interest jengger chicken
Curable Disease :
Interest jengger chicken the taste is beloved, in character cold, astringen, with affinity to liver meridian and kidney. Having special quality anti inflamatory, haemorrhage stopper ( hemostatis), and explains eyesight.
Exploiting :
Part of crop applied as drug be the interest. Dries by the way of put to the sun for storage.
Interest applied for therapy:
haemorrhage of like nosebleed ( epistaksis), bleeding cough ( hemoptisis), blood puking ( hematemesis), bloody kemih water ( hematuria), bloody pile, womb haemorrhage,
dysentery, diarrhoea,
dull eyesight, red-eyed,
infection of ureter, matter urine, and white ( leukorea).
For drug drinked, applies 10--15 g dried flower braised or dried flower milled is smooth become powder or made [by] pill.
For external usage, braises fresh interest. After chilling, applies its(the water to clean bloody hurt, bloody pile, pruritis ( pruritus).
Besides, earns also applies fresh interest milled smooth, then glued to ill place, like pile, insect bite, or hurt.
Stops haemorrhage, like to bleeding cough, blood puking,
nosebleed, and bloody pile
Braises all fresh material, like interest jengger chicken, urang-aring ( Eclipta prostrata), and root alangalang ( Imperata cylindrica) each 15 g with three water glasses until remaining one glasses.
After chilling, filters its(the water, then drinked at the same time at morning before eating. Braises its(the dregs is again and drinks in the evening.
Gracious haemorrhage
Dissolves powder jengger chicken ( 6 g) in pageant ( 15 g). Drinks at the same time before eating rice. Prohibition eats stinking and asap gammons. Interest grind jengger dry chicken become powder. Takes counted 5 g, pours boiling water into with as of temperature water cup, then closed. After chilling, drinks at the same time. Does 3-4 times one day.
Prepares interest jengger chicken ( 15 g), sambiloto ( Andrographis paniculata) ( 15 g), and patikan kebo ( Euphorbia hirta) ( 10 g). Altogether in the form of drought material. Adds three water glasses and braises until its(the water remains one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time before eating. Braises its(the dregs is again, drinks its(the water is in the evening.
Prepares interest jengger chicken and sambiloto ( Andrographis paniculata) ( each dry material 15 g) and leaf Iler fresh ( Coleus scutellarioides) ( 10 sheets). Adds three water glasses and braises until its(the water remains one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time before eating. Braises its(the dregs is again and drinks its(the water is in the evening.
infection of Ureter
Prepares interest jengger chicken ( 15 g), spoon leaf herb ( major Plantago) ( 15 g), catkin leaf ( Orthosiphon spicatus) ( 30 g), and leaf sambiloto ( 20 g). Altogether in the form of drought material. Cleans all material, then braised with three water glasses until remaining his(its half. After chilling, filters and drinks one day thrice, each setenga glass. Does every day until recovering.
Composition :
Oleaginous interest of fat, kaempferitrin, amaranthin, pinitol, while at leaf there is saponin, flavonoida, and polifenol.
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