Friday, February 29, 2008

KACAPIRING Medicinal Treatment

( Gardenia augusta, Merr.)

Synonym :
Gardenia jasminoides, Ellis.

Familia :

Description :
Kacapiring ( Gardenia) many looked after [by] people as ornamental plant or green fence having aroma fragrance interest. Kacapiring is including clump plant that is age annual and many having branch, close stick and also leaf. Kacapiring easy to grow any [by] place, either in cool area and also temperature. But, this plant more compatibly in mountain area or location that is height of more than 400 metre above permukaaan sea. Its(the tree trunk can reach height to shift 1-2 metre. Its(the interest is king sized, respects looking like white rose with [circle;coil] coronets and compiles forming one classy unities. Its(the leaf is in the form of oval, thick, lustrous and slippery at surface of its(the top leaf palm. Because fragrance of its(the interest, kacapiring has commercial value to be made perfume. Medium of breeding of this crop can be done by the way of cutting.

Local Name :
Kacapiring ( Indonesia, Sunda), Ceplong saucer ( Java); Jempiring ( Acheh), Lutetium bruek, White king ( Acheh);

Curable Disease :
Diabetes mellitus, Sprue, Fever, Difficult to defecate;

Exploiting :

1. Diabetes mellitus
Material: 12 leaf sheets kacapiring
Way of making: braised with 2 water glass until boiling so remains 1 glass.
Way of using: drinked at the same time and repeated routinely every day.

2. Sprue
Material: 7 leaf sheet kacapiring, 2 honey tablespoon and 1 palm sugar cut;
Way of making: leaf kacapiring diremas-remas and added with 1 water cup and filtered. Then is mixed with the honey and palm sugar and swirled until flattening.
Way of using: drinked and repeated [by] every very two-day.

3. Fever
Material: 7 leaf sheet kacapiring and 1 lump sugar cut;
Way of making: leaf kacapiring diremas-remas with 1 water glass and filtered. Then is mixed with lump sugar and swirled until flattening.
Way of using: drinked

4. Difficult to defecate
Material: 3 seed fruit of kacapiring;
Way of making: braised with 2 water glass until boiling so remains 1 glass;
Way of using: drinked

Composition :
CHEMISTRY CONTENT : Kacapiring ( Gardenia augusta and Gardenia jasminoides) from research of the experts is known to has volatile oil matter content compound. The volatile oil for example containing element linalol and styrolyl.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure


ite our many guests to a simple "dinner of herbs." Such was man's primitive food in Paradise: "every green herb bearing seed, and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed:" "the green herb for meat for every beast of the earth, and every fowl of the air." What better Preface can we indite than a grace to be said before sitting down to the meal? "Sallets," it is hoped, will be found "in the lines to make the matter savoury." Far be it from our object to preach a prelude of texts, or to weary those at our board I with a meaningless long benediction. "'Tis not so plain as the old Hill of Howth," said tender-hearted witty Tom Hood, with serio-comic truth, "a man has got his belly full of meat, because he talks with victuals in his mouth." Rather would we choose the "russet Yeas and honest kersey Noes" of sturdy yeoman speech; and cheerfully taking the head of our well-stocked table, ask in homely terms that "God will bless these the good creatures of His Herbal Simples to our saving uses, and
William Thomas Fernie
Word count

The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed.


ter or butter, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon wholemeal flour, 1-1/2 pints water.

First put on the chestnuts (without shelling or pricking) in cold water, and boil for an hour. Then remove shells and put the nuts in an enamelled saucepan with the fat. Fry for 10 minutes. Add the flour gradually, stirring all the time, then add the water. Cook gently for half an hour. Lastly, add the parsley, boil up, and serve.

It is rather nicer if the flour is omitted, the necessary thickness being obtained by rubbing the soup through a sieve before adding the parsley. Those who do not object to milk may use 1 pint milk and 1 pint water in place of the 1-1/2 pints water.

Fruit soups are used extensively abroad, although not much heard of in England. But they might be taken at breakfast with advantage by those vegetarians who have given up the use of tea, coffee and cocoa, and object to, or dislike, milk. The recipe given here is for apple soup, but pears, plu

Florence Daniel
Cooking, Health
Word count

Food and Health


1 sweet green pepper
2 onions
1 lb. Hamburg steak
1 cup bread crumbs
1 egg
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
5 or 6 slices of bacon

1 cup tomato soup
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup water
Method--Wash the pepper and remove the seeds, add onions and chop together. Mix with meat, breadcrumbs and well beaten
Cooking, Health
Word count

general run-down condition. I could not sleep, rest or work, and was quite unfit to do even light household tasks. A friend told me about your Vegetable Compound and I in my turn truly recommend it, as my severe symptoms vanished and I am better in every way. I do my own work, look after my children and see to chickens, a cow, and my garden. I also recommend it for young girls who are weak and rundown, as my 16-year-old daughter has taken it and is quite her own gay self again."
Viscount, Saskatchewan.

Diet and Health

Definition to learn:

CALORIE; symbol C.; a heat unit and food value unit; is that amount of heat necessary to raise one pound of water 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

There is a good deal of effort expended by many semi-educated individuals to discredit the knowledge of calories, saying that it is a foolish food science, a fallacy, a fetish, and so forth.

They reason, or rather say, that because there are no calories in some of the very vital elements of foods--the vitamines and the mineral salts--therefore it is not necessary to know about them. They further argue that their grandfathers never heard of calories and they got along all right. That grandfather argument
With Key to the Calories
Lulu Hunt Peters
Science, Health
Word count

uld be answered. To get the full benefit, Little Book must be studied, for it is the only authorized textbook of the "Watch Your Weights."

Key to the Calories

Some one page the thin? They come back here.

The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition

oils deserve mention. The "cold-drawn" Arachis oil (pea-nut or earth-nut oil) has a pleasant flavour, resembling that of kidney beans. The "cold-drawn" Sesamé oil has an agreeable taste, and is considered equal to Olive oil for edible purposes. The best qualities are rather difficult to obtain; those usually sold being much inferior to Peach-kernel and Olive oils. Cotton-seed oil is the cheapest of the edible ones. Salad oil, not sold under any descriptive name, is usually refined Cotton-seed oil, with perhaps a little Olive oil to impart a richer flavour.

The solid fats sold as butter and lard substitutes, consist of deodorised cocoanut oil, and they are excellent for cooking purposes. It is claimed that biscuits, &c., made from them may be kept for a much longer period, without showing any trace of rancidity, than if butter or lard had been used. They are also to be had agreeably flavoured by admixture with almond, walnut, &c., "cream."
A. W. Duncan
Science, Health

Published by the Vegetarian Society of Manchester.

Approx. 33,181 words.

The better quality oils are quite as wholesome as the bes

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


( Baeckea Frutescens Levator scapula.)

Synonym :
Baeckea chinensis Gaertn. Baeckea cochinchinensis Bl.

Familia :

Description :
This Plant is in the form of clump until bush, height until 5 m, ductile branchs. Leaf looks out on, very narrowing lamina like line and having gland, thick 0,8 mm and length 5 mm to 16 mm. Interest is having fold 5 exit from leaf axil, small, diameter more or less 1,5 mm; short interest handle; calyx is in the form of bell with 5 cleft; coronet 5 sheet, rather orbicular, white colour with green ring centered and over and over turns into squeezing; stamen 10 fruits. Variety. Plant height varies, depend on situation of place of growing. Plant as high as 30 cm has born fruit. Ecology and spreading. Grows wild is coast [by] South Chinese and mountain Sumatra and Malaysia at height of 600 m to 2200 m above sea level; also there is in Australian. Likes rather area drought. Conducting. Be tumbulian wild, has not been conducting.

Local Name :
LOCAL NAME. Aron ( Acheh), game-game ( Batak),si gamei-gamei ( Minangkabau), ijar roof, holds high roof, says roof ( Bangka), tip of roof, as of broom ( Biliton), tip of roof, roof shower leaf ( Malay) Type of sailing boat rabab, Type of sailing boat rahab, type of sailing boat raab, tip of raab ( Java), type of sailing boat rahab ( Madura), Roof facade, facade raab ( Bali)., NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS: NAME OF SIMPLISIA BAECKEA FOLIUM; Type Of Sailing Boat Leaf Rahab.

Curable Disease :
TYPICALLY Hot and aromatic. Analgesic SPECIAL QUALITY, antispasmodic, tonic, and diuretic.

Exploiting :
Special Quality and benefit for therapy:

Hand feet ( swelling).
Takes semi type of sailing boat ounce rahab, crumples up smooth, and braises in semi grape;wine cruct. Rubs dilution of this decoction at kakil bloated arm in a state of Iukewarm temperatures.

Stomachache at child of because wormy
Brimstone rasher equal to acid seed. Semi type of sailing boat teaspoon rahab, black meeting rasher along the length of hand finger book, a small corm encountered key, three comedy meeting irises, one wood teaspoons masoyi, rasher bangle along the length of semi hand finger book, rasher lempuyang fragrant along the length of semi hand finger and five fennel seedses; all the his(its boxed to be smooth, wrapped banana leaf clan is steamed [by] during more or less ten minutes. Dilution which keiuar is drinked [by] the pain. If its(the dilution is only a few secretory, adds as of water spoon.

Fever at pot is clean woman copies
Immediately as of pot is clean copies taking medicine following, made has just and drinked every morning and every evening.

We can prevent pot is clean fever to copy this.
Braises as of fresh young papaya leaf sheet with one spoons kecii fresh acid and sugar rasher jawa in one small glasses of water until its(the water remains as of pari pasu and drinks the dilution after enough chilling.
Despitefully need to use poultice made out of seven leaf sheets Iler, one big teaspoons of type of sailing boat rahab ( burned formerly thus ash) and is rather acids kawak, these all boxed together.

Refresher Drug to fatigue
drinks decoction water of type of sailing boat rabab

Composition :
Essential oils, fenkhol, glycoside, compound triterpinoid, tannin, and baekeol.


( Taraxacum officinale weber et Wiggers)

Synonym :
T. mongolicum Hand-Mazz., T. officinale Wigg., T. ceratophyllum DC, T. corniculatum DC, T. dens-lionis Desf., T. sinense DC, Leontodon taraxacum L., L. taraxacum.

Familia :
compositae ( asteraceae).

Description :
Generally, jombang grows wild in mountainside, bank, pasturage, and roadside in area having atmosphere cold. Sodium chronical, height 10 - 25 cm, all part of plant contains dilution, milky. Leaf gathers forming root rosette, part of lodging jetty closes soil;land;ground. Unique leaf, be in the form of Iancet, inverse, sharp-pointed back part, jetty narrows looks like leaf handle, not regular jagged edge, sometime shares deeply, length 6 - 15 cm, wide 2 - 3,5 cm, having colour green is arranged in layers [by] white having colour smooth hair. Unique interest, length handle arranged in layers by white having colour smooth hair, having sex two. Rust colored corolla, diameter 2,5 - 3,5 cm. Its(the fruit is in the form of tube, having colour white. Its(the root length, unique, or branchs. Edible young leaf as fresh vegetable or made salad having special quality tonic. Stripper leaf can be steamed or cooked as vegetable. Its(the interest applicable to give yellow colour at beverage or cloth. Jombang can be multiplied with seed.

Local Name :
LOCAL NAME Jombang, taraksakum ( Java). NAME OF Gong pu STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS ying ( C), dandelion ( I). NAME OF SIMPLISIA TARAXACI HERBA ( herb jombang).

Curable Disease :
Jombang the taste is beloved, be rather bitter, in character cool. This herb liver meridian admission ( liver) and stomach, and having special quality tonic at liver and blood. Besides, also having special quality antibiotic, anti inflamatory; eliminates swelling, breaks cork, ( strong diuretic), cleans temperature and poison, and increases product bile. Root is rather bitter, having special quality antitoksik, ( diuretic), temperature palliative ( antipiretik), stomach lasing, increases appetite ( stomakik), launchs expenditure of bile to intestine ( cholagogue), launchs expenditure AS1 ( laktagoga), light laxative, and reduces blood sugar rate ( hipoglikemik). Root is more having special qualityly if it is applied after plant age 2 year. Special quality antitoksik root jombang assists mechanism of liver job(activity and gall bladder to release rest of metabolism and stimulates kidney to release poison through water kemih. Besides, jombang stands in process of dismissal of poison formed at infection and pollution. Polysaccharide content from plant jombang can pursue development of man lung cancer cell who transplantation at mouse and pursues development sarcoma. Herb jombang is having special quality pursues development of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus, and Neisseria catarrhalis. Herb alcohol extract jombang is having special quality launchs expenditure of bile to intestine ( cholagogue) at mouse. Protects damage liver ( liver) mouse given carcinogenic matter of CCl4.
Decoction water jombang applicable to increase body endurance by the way of activating Macrophage, stimulates lymphocyte forming, and antibody forming. Leaf jombang is having special quality is diuretic strongness. But, doesn't cause lacking of potassium because this plant contains enough potassiums ( Journal Planta Medica, 1974). Root jombang is having special quality cleans liver, stimulates produce of dilution of bile, and light laxative ( researcher German, 1959).

Exploiting :

Part of plant applied is fresh herb and root and also which has been dried.

Herb jombang applied for therapy :
chafes, like bronchitis, chafes red-eyed
( konjungtivitis), chafes intestine infection acute ( appendicitis acute), chafes
flank, chafes liver ( hepatitis), chafes gall bladder ( cholecystitis),

and chafes and bosom abscess,
infection and ureter stone,
gondongan ( parotitis),
diarrhoea, dysentery,
pain maag ( gastritis), not appetite,
diabetes ( diabetes mellitus),
high blood pressure ( hypertension),
less blood ( anaemia),
bloated foot/feet because dilution hoard,
white ( leukore),
produce of mother milk water ( ASI) a few,
abscess, scabies, ulcer which in, snakebite,
magnification of prostate,
increases uric acid dismissal,
black pock in the face ( freckles),
tumor at digestive system ( oesophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, and pancreas),
cancer ( bosom, lung, neck rahim/serviks, and gum), and
leukemia granulositik kronik.

Root applied for therapy :
hepatitis, yellows pain ( jaundice),
infection of gall bladder, prevents incidence [of] gallstone,
multiplies ASI,
defecation is not fluent ( constipation),
skin disease, like pimple, eczema, psoriasis, osteoarthritis and gout.

For drug drinked, braises or box 15-30 g fresh herb, then extorted. Hereinafter, drinks its(the juice water or recipe mixture applicable to. Special to cure cancer, tumor, or weight disease, applies herb 20 - 60 g. Other way, braises 10 - 30 g root, then its(the decoction water is drinked. In some states, root is dried ago is milled until smooth. Takes 1 - 2 teaspoon, then poured boiling water into with
temperature water. If it is required, adds juice water of lime to improve;repair taste.
For external usage, fresh herb grind or root until smooth, then bubuhkan to ill place, like bloated bosom, abscess, and singe. Besides, its(the leaf is also can be braised, then applied its(the water to take a bath or evaporates face.
This way aim to refresh body and looks after face skin from flek and pimple.


Chafes and bosom abscess
Cleans 60 g fresh jombang herb until cleanness, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass.
After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time, does 2 times one day, until recovering. For external usage, cleans fresh plant sufficiently, then milled until smooth.
dubs at ill bosom.

Chafes gall bladder
Cleans 30 g fresh jombang herb until cleanness, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling, filters, drinks at the same time. Does 2 times one day, until recovering.

Braises 20-60 g fresh jombang herb in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked at the same time.
Does every day.

White of infection effect, cervix cancer, or chafes flank
Provides 30 g herb jombang fresh ( for cancer clan chafes flank 60 g), then cleaned until cleanness. Hereinafter, cuts to pieces and braises in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked at the same time, one day 2 times, each 1/2 glasses.
Besides braised, herb also can be boxed until smooth.
Hereinafter, filters and its(the filter water is drinked, one day 2 times, each 1/2 glasses.

Chafes gall bladder is accompanied [by] hepatitis
Cleans 30-60 g fresh jombang herb until cleanness, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 water glass until remaining as of its(the pari pasu. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water divided for 3 times drinks, one day 3 times, each 1/2 glasses.

Diabetes, high blood pressure
Cleans 30 g herb jombang fresh, then cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises in 3 clean water glass until its(the decoction water remains 1 glass. After chilling, filters and its(the filter water is drinked, one day 2 times, each semi glass.

Composition :
Herb contains taraxasterol, taraxacerin, taraxarol, kholine, inulin, pectin, koumestrol, and asparagin. Root contains taraxol, taraxerol, taraxicin, taraxasterol, b-amyrin, stigmasterol, b-sitosterol, choline, levulin, pectin, inulin, calcium, potassium, glucose, and fructose. Leaf contains lutein, violaxanthin, plastoquinone, tannin, carotenoid, potassium, sodium, calcium, choline, copper, ferrum, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, and vitamin ( A, BI, B2, C and D). Interest contains arnidiol and flavoxanthin. Pollen contains ß- sitoserol, 5a-stigmast-7-en-3ß-ol, folic acid, and vitamin C.


( Cassia siamea Lamk,)

Synonym :
Cassia fluoride Valh.

Familia :
Caesalpiniceae ( Leguminosae).

Description :
Annual herb crop, Round bar, holey, hairless, branchs, long more or less 3 metre, green colour. Unique leaf, having interlude, form of Iancet, sharp-pointed back part, plane edge, hiatus jetty, long 3-15 cm, wide 1-9 cm, fin bone, green colour. Unique interest, form of trumpet, in leaf axil, long 3-5 cm, diameter more or less 5 cm, purple. Fruit of box, ovoid, hairless, diameter more or less 1 cm, having colour young fruit is pale green after stripper is having colour cacao.

Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA: Cassiae siameae Folium; Leaf Johar.

Curable Disease :
Special Quality Antipiretik. RESEARCH Salim Hanggara Purno, 1991. Faculty of pharmacy, UGM. Counsellor: Drs. Wahyono, SU. Apt. and Drs. Imono Argo Donatus, SU. Apt. Has done research of effect hipoglikemik decoction water of leaf Johar, at white mouse of male, compared to tolbutamid. From result of the research, the decoction water tantalum of leaf of Johar dose 2,5, 5,0, and 10,0 g / kg bb can reduce LDDK ( Area wide below(under curve) blood glucose rate to negativity control, at group of normal mouse given glucose burden ( DMTTI - UTGO = Diabetes mellitus doesn't depend on insulin. Oral air mechanism glucose tolerance test). At group of normal mouse of which is not is given [by] glucose burden ( DMTTI), decoction water of leaf Johar dose 10,0 g / kg bb can reduce LDDK blood glucose rate equal to 1506% to negativity control. C. Yudhi Setyandarta, 1993. Pharmacy Majors, FMIPA UI. Has done research of influence hepatoprotektif leaf infusion Johar at white mouse given carbon tetrachloride. From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Johar has influence hepatoprotektif. Leaf Johar contains compound which can pursue improvement of activity GPT-PLASMA and damage of liver network as result of CC14 and there is relation between dose and effect. Aan Risma Uli N., 1994. Majors Farrnasi, FMIPA UI. Has done research of antimicrobial influence from leaf infusion Johar to some bacteriums and Jamur cause of skin disease.
From result of the research, simply leaf infusion Johar has influence antibakteri to Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Proteusvulgaris, but doesn't show antifungal activity to Candida albicans, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis.

Exploiting :

Part Applied
Young leaf.

1. Fever.
2. Diabetes.
3. Malaria.
4. Tonic.
5. Hurt ( external drug) .

Diabetes and Malaria
Leaf Johar fresh 1 grasps
Water 220 ml
Way of making:
Made infusion.
Way of usage:
Drinked 2 day once 200 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day.
Hereinafter dose is lessened, 1 times one day 100 ml.

For susceptible, usage precautions of this simplisia. Simplisia contains toxic agents ( alkaloid).

Composition :
Leaf: Barakol, alkaloid, flavoniod, steroida antrakinon, and tannin. Root skin: Lupeol, betalin, and diantrakinon. Seed: Fixed oil and sitosterin.

Monday, February 18, 2008


( Cuminum cyminum, Linn.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
White dill ( cuminum cyminum) in everyday life often applied to cook. Side that, white dill seed also applied as complement of traditional drugs ingredient. White dill seed has aroma which is odorous and draws. White dill can grow carefully in area having climate cold, like for example in north india area near by kiaki mountain himalaya. In indonesia though can grow, but in general unfavourable. White dill has its(the bole and leaf compiles cumulative and is [circle;coil]. White dill leaf has leaf frond like small sticks. Bentukdaun abstract white dill of sheet, but rather alike stiff yarns and short. This green plant dominance colour and its(the interest is rust colored small fairish of stripper sustained by longish handle.

Local Name :
White Dill ( Indonesia), Jinten Putih ( Java), Ginten ( Bali); Jinten Bodas ( Sunda), Jhinten pote ( Madura); Jeura engkut, white Jeura ( Acheh), Jinten pute ( Bugis);

Curable Disease :
Heart Pain, menstruation is not fluent, Difficult to sleep, Jamu putri ;

Exploiting :

1. Heart Pain
Material: 1 spoon the white dill seed, 1 shallot fang, 7 seed tide kemukus, 6 leaf sheet sirih;
Way of making: all the material is boxed together until smooth, kemudia is added [by] 4 ripe water tablespoon and extorted and is filtered.
Way of using: drinked morning and evening regularly.

2. Menstruation is not fluent
Material:1 spoon the white dill seed, 2 drought clove seed, ½ nutmeg seed cut, 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 fruit of cardamom, 1 palm sugar cut, 1 sand sugar tablespoon, 2 leaf sheet srigading.
Way of making: all the material is braised with 2 ½ water glass until boiling, then in filtering.
Way Of Menggunakan:diminum five days before date of menstruation.

3. Jamu Putri
Material: 1 spoon the white dill seed, 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 grasps ruby interest.
Way of making: all the material is boxed [by] until smooth then is hiccup with 1 water glass and filtered.
Way of ordinary menggunakan:diminum

4. Difficult To Sleep
Material: 1 spoon the white dill seed, 3 cut kangkung vegetable, 2 gotu kola leaf sheet ¼ coriander tablespoon.
Way of making: All the material is braised together with 2 water glass until boiling so remains 1 glass, then is filtered.
Way of using: drinked nearing sleep.

Composition :
White dill Seed contained element of volatile oil ( flies) counted less than 8%. The volatile oil obtained from white dill seed by the way of refined.


( Citrus hystrix DC.)

Synonym :
C. paeda Miq.

Familia :

Description :
Jeruk purut many planted [by] people in lawn or in garden garden. Its(the leaf is fin compound leaf bears leaf one. Leaf handle some of wides looks like leaflet. Globular leaflet blade of egg until oblong, domed jetty or dull, tip of dull until becoming sharp, edge beringgit, length 8 - 15 cm, wide 2 - 6 cm, both slippery surfaces with having colour small blot blot is limpid, surface to its(the colour rather stripper green gleams, surface under young green or chartreuse, rough, if it is crumpled up its(the aroma fragrance. Its(the interest is radiant, having colour white or redish white of kekuningkuningan. Form of its(the fruit ovoid, its(the skin is green wrinkled, berbenjolbenjol, the taste is rather bitter acid. Orange purut often applied in cookery, making of kue,atau is made [by] candy. Orange purut can be multiplied with marcot and seed.

Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: unte mukur, u. pangir ( Batak), lemau purut, l. sarakan ( Floats), lemao puruik ( Minangkabau), dema kafalo ( Nias). Java: lemon purut, fragrant orange, orange purut ( Sunda, Java). Bali: orange linglang, orange purut. Flores: matured mude of bow, mude nelu. Sulawesi: ahusi lepea ( Horrible), lemo ulcer ( Bragis). My shame: Munte kereng ( Alf'uru), usi yar ( Amhoh), lemo jobatai, wama faleela ( Halmahera). NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS Kaffir lime leaf and zest ( I), bai magrut ( tee), Kabuyao, percupin orange, citron combara. NAME OF SIMPLISIA CITRI hystricis Folium ( orange leaf purut), Citri hystricis Pericaipium ( orange skin purut).

Curable Disease :
Orange leaf purut is having special quality stimulan and refresher. My lit fruit of having special quality stimultan, smells typically aromatic, likely rather saline, astringent, and in process of time rather bitter.

Exploiting :

Part applied is fruit and leaf.

Buah,jeruk purut applied to overcome :
body felt fatigue,
head hair which aroma ( deodorizes skin), and - icthyosis and flakes.
Daun,jeruk purut applied to overcome :
weak and worn-out body as of weight pain pot is clean.

For drug drinked, provides 1 - 2 fruit of orangeade purut which has cooked, then drinked.
For external usage, splits orange purut to become 2 - 4 part, then rubs to scaly skin or its(the fruit juice water applied to wett hair after keramas.


Crosscut an juiciness and ripe purut orange, then extorted. Pours boiling water into its(the juice water with 60 cc temperature water. Drinks at the same time whilst warmness.

Icthyosis and flakes
Splits old purut orange become two parts. Rubs at scaly skin, drought, and easy to flake in scalp or part differ from body. Does once one day, night before sleep.

Deodorizes head hair
Cleans 1 ripe purut orange until cleanness, then grated. Adds 1 cleanness water tablespoon, then crumpled up and filters. Applies its(the filter water to rub hair after keramas.

Tired body after working or worn-out as of heavy pain pot is clean
Provides 2 to grasp orange leaf purut fresh. Braises in 3 water litre until boiling ( during 10 minutes). Pours the ingredient into 1 warm water pail and applies to take a bath.

Composition :
Leaf contains tannin 1,8%, steroid triterpenoid, and essential oil 1 - 1,5% v/b. Skin fruit of containing saponin, tannin I%, steroid triterpenoid, and essential oil containing citrate 2 - 2,5% v/b.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


( Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
Lime ( citrusaurantifolia) including one of type citrus Geruk. Lime is including clump plant type which many having bough and stick. Its(the tree trunk having wood ductile and firm. Medium of surface of its(the epidermis depth of colour and matt. Lime crop at the age of 2 1/2 years has started bears fruit. Its(the interest is white having colour little fairish and its(the fruit is globular equal to ping-pony ball is having colour ( epidermis) yellowish or green. Orange nipis which have been old the taste is acid. Orange crop generally likes places which can obtain direct sunshine. 1. Condition Grows a. Climate · Place height : 200 m - 1300 m above sea level · Annual rainfall : 1000 mm - 1500 mm/tahun · Month of wet ( above 100 mm/bulan): 5 month - 12 months · Month of drought ( below(under 60 mm/bulan): 0 month - 6 month · Air temperature : 200 C - 300 C · Humidity : medium - height · Irradiating : medium b. Soil;land;ground · Type : latosol, alluvial, andosol. · Texture : clay sandy loam and ductile clay · Drainage : good · Soil;land;ground depth of water : 40 cm - 170 cm from soil;land;ground surface · Root depth : below(under 40 cm from soil;land;ground surface · Acidity ( hydrogen ion exponent) : 4 - 9 · Fertility : medium - height 2. Guidance Plants a. Pegolahan Tanah · Makes planting hole berukuran50 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm. · Upper soil;land;ground locked out of soil;land;ground below(under his(its, then is given manure. · Undercarriage soil;land;ground is reentered, then is caught up top soil;land;ground. b.
Preparation of Seed · Lime can be multiplied in marcot and grafting. c. Cultivation · Seed planted at planting hole which has been provided. · Plant spacing 6 m x 6 m

Local Name :
Lime ( English), Five ( Spanyol), Limah ( Arab); Lime ( Indonesia), Orange pecel ( Java); Acid lemon ( Sunda);

Curable Disease :
Tonsil, Malaria, Ambeien, Sesak Nafas, Influenza, Coughs; Temperature pain, Constipation, Late menstruation, perfect stomach when menstruation; Dysentery, Stomachache Stomach, Nausea Stomach, Fatigue, Body odour, Face wrinkle;

Exploiting :

1. Tonsil
Material : 1 orange nipis, 1 1/2 turmeric rhizomes equal to thumb grated and 2 honey tablespoon;
Way of making : lime extorted to be taken the water, turmeric grated and extorted to be taken its(the water, then dioplos with honey by added [by] 1/2 water glasses, swirled until flattening, and filtered;
Way of using: drinked 2 day once regularly.

2. Malaria
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 ketchup tablespoon, salt sufficiently;
Way of making : lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material and filtered;
Way of using: drinked every morning nearing breakfast.

3. Ambeien
Material: 2 - 4 lime root cut;
Way of making: braised with 1 1/2 water litres until boiling so remains 1 litre, then is filtered;
Way of using : drinked every regular weara evening.

4. Out of breath
Material: 1 orange nipis, 2 shallot fang, 1 item kampong chicken's egg, 1 coffee powder teaspoon, 1 lump sugar cut,
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, shallot is grated then is mixed with other material and poured boiling water into with hot water sufficiently, swirled until flattening, then is filtered;
Way of using: drinked after breakfast regularly.

5. Influenza
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1/2 euca lyptus oil scoops, lime putty sufficiently;
Way of making: lime is grilled a moment and extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with its(the material and swirled until flattening, and filtered;
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day regularly.

6. Coughs
a. Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 1/2 ketchup spoons, salt sufficiently;
Way of making: lime diperis to be taken its(the water,
Way of using: drinked regularly 1 times one day during pain

b. Material: 1 orange nipis, 1/4 nutmeg seed flour spoons, 1 euca lyptus oil scoop;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material until flattening;
Way of using: used as powder and dabbed at chest and back.

7. Hot pain
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1/2 coconut oil scoops, 1 euca lyptus oil scoop, 2-4 shallot fangs refined;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material until flattening,
Way of using: used as compress and liniment for chest and back.

8. Colic
Material: 1 orange nipis, 2 - 4 shallot fang, 1 euca lyptus oil scoop, fruit of acid sufficiently, 2 ripe water spoon;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, then is mixed with other material and refined together;
Way of using: dabbed in all body, especially around stomach.

9. Late menstruation
Material : 1 orange nipis, 2 turmeric rhizome equal to thumb, lime putty and salt sufficiently;
Way of making: lime extorted to be taken its(the water, turmeric grated and extorted to be taken its(the water, then all the material is mingled to flattens and filtered;
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day.

10. Perfect stomach when menstruation of menstruation
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 1/2 ginger rhizomes equal to thumb, 3
eye fruit of acid which have been cooking, 1 coconut sugar cut;
Way of making : lime extorted to be taken its(the water, ginger is grated, then all the material mingled and given [by] 3/4 ripe water glasses and filtered;
Way of using: drinked at first day of menstruation.

11. Dysentery
Material: 2 lime root cut;
Way of making: braised with 2 1/2 water glasses until boiling, then is filtered;
Way of using: drinked 1 times one day.

12. Perfect stomach
Material: 1 orange nipis, 1 turmeric rhizome equal to thumb;
Way of making: lime is extorted [by]

Composition :
CHEMISTRY CONTENT : Lime contains compound elements kiniia which bemianfaat. For example: limonen, linalin acetate, geranyl acetate, fellandren and citral. Despitefully lime contains asani citrate. 100 orange grams nipis contains: - ascorbic acid 27 milligrams, - calcium 40 milligrams, - phosphorus 22 milligrams, - charcoal hydrate 12,4 grams, - vitamin B 1 0,04 milligrams, - ferrum 0,6 milligrams, - fat 0,1 grams, - calorie 37 grams, - protein 0,8 grams and - water 86 grams. Lime contains chemistry compound elements for example limonen, linalin acetate, geranyl acetate, fellandren, citral and cittrate.


( Celosia cristata L.)

Synonym :
C. argentea L. var cristata ( Levator skapula.) O. Ktze.

Familia :

Description :
Generally, jengger chicken is planted in yard and in gardens, rarity grows wild. This detectable crop from lowland until height of 1000 m dpl. Sodium as of this season grows straightening, height 60--90 cm, having bar thick and strong, branchs, grooved. Unique leaf, handle, situation is having interlude. Leaf blade its form ovoid until length with length 5--12 cm, wide 3,5--6,5 cm, back part is becoming sharp, sharp-pointed jetty, plane edge, fin bone, its(the colour is green meagrely redlining in the middle of leaf. Compound interest is in the form of seed, fleshly thick, wide top like jengger fighting cock, berlipat-lipat and bercangap or branchs, exit in tip of bar or in leaf axil, its(the colour purple, red, dice, or yellows. Fruit of box, ovoid, red of greenness, barst at the time ripe, there are two or some small seeds, having colour black. Propagation with seed.

Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: celala ( Gayo), banda ulu ( Toba), string interest ( Palembang). Java: jawer hayam, j. kotok ( Sunda), bayem cenggeng, jengger chicken ( Java), jhanghar chicken, rebha mangsor ( Madura). Nusa Tenggara: janggar ready ( Bali), ndae ana sina ( Bread), bunak manula larit ( Timor). Sulawesi: tatara manuk, sapiri manu, fires interest ( Minahasa), laya ( Gorontalo), langgelo ( Buol), kaputi chicken, rangrang jangang ( Makasar), interest taEi manu, puwa ri sawito ( Bugis). My shame: wire, kolak ( Kai), shop marerede ( Halmahera), sule-sule ( Ternate)melayu: spinach biludu, rara chicken. NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS Ji guan hua ( C.), coxcomb, cockscomb ( I), hahnenkamm. NAME OF SIMPLISIA CELOSIAE cristatae Flos ( interest jengger chicken

Curable Disease :
Interest jengger chicken the taste is beloved, in character cold, astringen, with affinity to liver meridian and kidney. Having special quality anti inflamatory, haemorrhage stopper ( hemostatis), and explains eyesight.

Exploiting :

Part of crop applied as drug be the interest. Dries by the way of put to the sun for storage.

Interest applied for therapy:
haemorrhage of like nosebleed ( epistaksis), bleeding cough ( hemoptisis), blood puking ( hematemesis), bloody kemih water ( hematuria), bloody pile, womb haemorrhage,
dysentery, diarrhoea,
dull eyesight, red-eyed,
infection of ureter, matter urine, and white ( leukorea).

For drug drinked, applies 10--15 g dried flower braised or dried flower milled is smooth become powder or made [by] pill.
For external usage, braises fresh interest. After chilling, applies its(the water to clean bloody hurt, bloody pile, pruritis ( pruritus).
Besides, earns also applies fresh interest milled smooth, then glued to ill place, like pile, insect bite, or hurt.


Stops haemorrhage, like to bleeding cough, blood puking,
nosebleed, and bloody pile
Braises all fresh material, like interest jengger chicken, urang-aring ( Eclipta prostrata), and root alangalang ( Imperata cylindrica) each 15 g with three water glasses until remaining one glasses.
After chilling, filters its(the water, then drinked at the same time at morning before eating. Braises its(the dregs is again and drinks in the evening.

Gracious haemorrhage
Dissolves powder jengger chicken ( 6 g) in pageant ( 15 g). Drinks at the same time before eating rice. Prohibition eats stinking and asap gammons. Interest grind jengger dry chicken become powder. Takes counted 5 g, pours boiling water into with as of temperature water cup, then closed. After chilling, drinks at the same time. Does 3-4 times one day.

Prepares interest jengger chicken ( 15 g), sambiloto ( Andrographis paniculata) ( 15 g), and patikan kebo ( Euphorbia hirta) ( 10 g). Altogether in the form of drought material. Adds three water glasses and braises until its(the water remains one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time before eating. Braises its(the dregs is again, drinks its(the water is in the evening.

Prepares interest jengger chicken and sambiloto ( Andrographis paniculata) ( each dry material 15 g) and leaf Iler fresh ( Coleus scutellarioides) ( 10 sheets). Adds three water glasses and braises until its(the water remains one glasses. After chilling, filters and drinks at the same time before eating. Braises its(the dregs is again and drinks its(the water is in the evening.

infection of Ureter
Prepares interest jengger chicken ( 15 g), spoon leaf herb ( major Plantago) ( 15 g), catkin leaf ( Orthosiphon spicatus) ( 30 g), and leaf sambiloto ( 20 g). Altogether in the form of drought material. Cleans all material, then braised with three water glasses until remaining his(its half. After chilling, filters and drinks one day thrice, each setenga glass. Does every day until recovering.

Composition :
Oleaginous interest of fat, kaempferitrin, amaranthin, pinitol, while at leaf there is saponin, flavonoida, and polifenol.


( Sesbania sesban Merr.)

Synonym :
= Saegyptiaca, Mass media.

Familia :

Description :
Jayanti many found in Java, ordinary in planting in lawn, galengan rice field or in plantation as shade plant, windbreak or green manure. This crop can grow at detectable and bad soil;land;ground from lowland until around 800 m dpi. small Clump or tree, height 2-6 m, many branching, growing of quickly. Leaf in the form of fin compound leaf, with 7-25 leaflet tides. Leaflet is in the form of line until length, short handle, tip of integer, plane edge. Interest in bunch, its(the colour yellows. Its(the fruit pod, grows hangs, be in the form of line. Its(the leaf can be cooked and eaten as vegetable. Besides, its(the leaf is also green manure applicable to and applied as livestock food. Propagation with seed.

Local Name :
Jayanti ( Sunda), janti, giyanti, kelor wana ( Java);

Curable Disease :
Lung TERBIUM ( Tuberculosa), Matter urine, lnfeksi kidney, fever;

Exploiting :
PART USED: Leaf, root, skin, seed, and oil,


1. Fever.
2. Wormy.
3. Lung TERBIUM ( Tuberculosa).
4. Chafes eye the mucous membrane.
5. infection of Kidney.

1. Difficult to sweat.
2. Urine is less fluent.
3. Matter urine.

1. Head of confused.
2. Coughs.
3. Miscarriage,
4. Comes not regular menstruation.

1. Matter urine.
2. Syphilis.

1. Ulcer, scabies, scabies.
2. Trachoma.

To drink: 1/4-1 grasping leaf.
External usage: Leaf milled to be smooth, for local usage.


1. Lung TERBIUM:
Leaf jayanti 1/4 grasps, washed out then is boxed until smooth. Adds 1/2 ripe water glasses and 1 honey tablespoon. Scrambled until flattening, then is extorted and filtered, drinks.
Does 3 times one day.

2. Matter urine:
1 root finger jayanti, 6 leaf sheet sirih, 6 fruit of kemukus, black dill and each fennel 3/4 teaspoons, 3/4 fingers pulosari, 3 sugar finger enau, cleaned and cut to pieces the need of his(its. Braises with 4 clean water glass until remaining 2 1/4 glasses. After chilling filtered, drinks. One day 3 x 3/4 glasses.

3. lnfection kidney:
Leaf jayanti counted 1 grasped, washed out then rinses with matured water. Enters the leaf of kedalam 3/4 water glasses. Crumples up its(the leaf until its(the foamy water. Filters, drinks its(the water.
Does every day, until its(the urine becomes clear and is fluent

4. Fever:
Leaf sufficiently is washed out then diremas-remas with fennel.
dubs tobody, which will give cold taste at fever patient.


( Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk, var. Tomentosa Schum.)

Synonym :
Guazuyna tomentosa Kunth.

Familia :

Description :
Tree crop, height more or less 10 metre. Firm bar, integer, rough surface, many paths, having wood, branchs, whitish green colour. Unique leaf, ovoid, rough surface, jagged edge, sharp-pointed back part, lobed jetty, fin bone, long 10-16 cm, wide 3-6 cm, green colour. Unique interest, circular in leaf axil, young green colour. Fruit of box, integer, firm, thorny surface, black colour.

Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA: Gliazumae Folium; Teak;core Leaf belanda.

Curable Disease :
Special Quality Diaforetik, tonic, and astringen. RESEARCH Yusuf Husni, 1986. Faculty of pharmacy, UNAIR. Has done research of foliar application influence Jati belanda to rate kreatin and urea at hare blood serum. From result of the research, simply foliar application Jati belanda during 2 month of doesn't boost up rate kreatin and urea. This thing serve the purpose of basis for knows there are not of disparity of kidney function after giving of Jati belanda. Subandrio Joko Semedi, 1987. Fakilltas Farmasi, UNAIR. Has done research of giving influence of leaf infusion Jati belanda to enzymatic activity SGOT, SGPT, and SGGT. From result of the research, simply giving of leaf infusion Jati belanda during 1 month of doesn't have an effect on to enzymatic activity SGOT, SGPT, and SGGT. This thing serve the purpose of basis for knows there are not of disparity of liver function after giving of Jati belanda. Lies Andarini, 1987Jurusan Biology, FMIPA UNAIR. Has done research of giving influence of leaf infusion Jati belanda to white mouse body weight. From result of research of menunjukan that giving of leaf infusion Jati belanda 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, and 20%, each 0,5 ml can reduce white mouse body weight. Giving of leaf infusion Jati belanda 15% and 20%, each 0,5 ml can reduce number of white mouse foods.

Exploiting :

Part Applied
Leaf, bark, and fruit.



1. Fatness.
2. Stomachache.


Teak;core Leaf belanda 7 sheet
Leaf Tempuyung 7 sheet
Powder Majakan a few
Water 115 ml
Way of making:
Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 30 days.

Flatulent Stomachache and Stomach
Fruit Of Teak;core belanda ( powder) 2 teaspoon
Water boils 100 ml
Fennel oil ( when needed) 1 drip
Way of making: Poured boiling water into
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 7 day.

Composition :
Tannin, mucus, bitter matter, and resin.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


( Achyranthes aspera Linn.)

Synonym :
Centrostachys aspera, Standl. Cyathula geniculata, Lour. Desmochaeta repens, Llanos.

Familia :

Description :
Sodium 1 or annual 2, straightening, height reachs 1 m. Quadrangular bar, green colour or is rather pink, branchs many, Unique leaf, sits looking out, handle, green colour, inverse egg globularity until length ellipse. Leaf length 1,5 - 10 cm, both surfaces of general leaf. Blunt leaf tip or fades, leaf jetty narrows, plane periphery or rather surging, fin vena. Interest grows in tip of beside ramification is in the form of bunch ( like paddy handle), hard integer seed and sharply.

Local Name :
Jarongan, jarong lalaki, leaf sangketan, nyarang ( jawa).; Sui indium sui, sangko nose ( Sulawesi), ; Rai rai, dodinga ( My shame).; Dao kou cao ( China).;

Curable Disease :
Fever, Temperature, Malaria, Enteritis, Tonsil ( Tonsilis), Chafes lung; Gondongan, Reumatik, Infection of Kidney, Pain in bone menstruates,; Blood puking, Blood urine, Copy easy to, Stone Urine;

Exploiting :

Root, all crop.

1. Fever, anas, malaria, enteritis.
2. Chafes tonsil ( tonsilitis), chafes lung ( pneumonia), gondongan.
3. Chafes joint ( rheumatic arthritis).
4. Ureter stone, bloated at infection of kidney.
5. Pain in bone menstruates ( dysmenorrhea), waters down copy ( induction of labor).
6. Blood puking, blood urine ( hematuria).

9 - 15 dry grams or 30 - 60 fresh grams, braises, drinks.

Pulverized; patchs to ill place or braised, its(the water to clean. Used for hurt drug, bite ular/ insect, abscess ( carbuncle).


1. Gondongan:
Braises sufficiently root jarong, drinks, its(the root pulverized to be glued to ill place.

2. Stone urine:
All plant 18 - 30 grams ( fresh) or 12 to 24 grams ( drought), braises, drinks before eating, one day once.

3. Big abscess in armpit ( Carbuncle):
60 fresh crop grams ( entirely) added water and pageant sufficiently, team, drinks. Its(the dregs is pulverized, patchs to ill place.
ATTENTION: Pregnant woman is prohibited to uses this drug crop.

Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: rather Bitter taste, cold. Launchs blood ( blood stimulant), peluruh menstruation, strengthens liver and kidney, strengthens muscle, blood-vessel and bone, anti inflammation, anti toxin, peluruh urine, normal menstruated, hemostatic, waters down copy. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Akirantin, glokosa, galactose, reilosa, rhamnose, alkaloid. Seed: Hentriakontan, sapogenin. Root: Betain, ecdysterone, triterpenoid saponins.


( Ricinus communis Linn.)

Synonym :
R. inermis et lividus, Jacq. R. speciosus, Burm. R. viridis, Willd. Croton spinosa, Linn.

Familia :

Description :
Grows wild in forest, wasteland, coast wise, or planted as plantation commodity. Can grow in areal which less fertile so long as its(the soil;land;ground hydrogen ion exponent 6 - 7 and its(the water drainage is good, because distance root doesn't hold up to water pond. distance is straightening clump growing at height between 0 - 800 m above sea level, height 2 - 3 m, easy to be pilulated with bulk which stripper has. jarak is plant one year ( anual) with smooth round bar, hollow, my book explains with sign ex- free leaf handle, green colour is having tint red of tengguli. Unique leaf, grows having interlude, circular leaf similar with diameter 10 - 40 cm, bercangap finger 7 - 9, sharp-pointed leaf tip, pronged edge, foliage colour on the surface of to surface stripper green under young green ( There is rose colored variety). Length leaf handle, rose colored of tengguli, bony leaf of finger. Compound interest, rust colored of orange, having sex one. Its(the fruit is circular gathered in bunch, in the form of fruit of kendaga, with 3 room, every space contains one seeds. Its(the fruit having soft thorns, having colour young green with red hair.

Local Name :
jarak, jarak jitun, kaliki ( Sunda), jarak ( jawa), Kaleke ( Madura),; Gloah, lulang, tray, distance, kalikih beam, jarag ( Sumatra),; Malasai, kalalei, alale, tangang jara, peleng kaliki discourages ( Sulawesi); Distance ( Bali), luluk ( Bread), nail penuai ( Timor), Balacai ( Ternate), ; Balacai tamekot ( Halmahera), tetanga ( Bima), luluk ( Bread),; Bi ma ( China).;

Curable Disease :
Womb cancer, Kank. skin, Difficult to defecate, Difficult. Bears, ; Tuberculosis, Abscess, Scabies, Scabies, Infeksi mushroom, Pimple, face muscle paralysis; Itchy, Coughs, Hernia, Swelling, Reumatik, Tetanus, Bronkhitis;

Exploiting :
PART USED: Seed, root, leaf and oil from its(the seed.


Seed: Defecation difficulty ( Constipation), gracious canker and
skin ( Carsinoma of cervix and skin), visceroptosis/ gastroptosis,
difficulty bears and retention placenta/ari-ari ( difficult labor and
retention of placenta), paralysis of face muscle ( facial nerve paralysis),
gland tuberculosis, abscess, scabies, scabies and infection of mushroom. Also is used
at swelling ( oedema).

Leaf: Scabies, eczema, itchy ( pruritus), coughs congested, hernia.
root: Rheumatic of joint, tetanus, epilepsi, bronchitis at children,
hurt beaten, gland tuberculosis, split personality ( soul trouble).

Oil : Constipasi, scabies, singe.


Seed :
1. Scabies:
20 seeds thrown its(the skin, pulverized to become is in the form of mush, added a few salts and swirled to be plane. Patchs in place of pain one day 2x.

2. uterine Prolapse and rectum:
Pulverizes jarak seed and used or glued at point of Pai hui which located in head.

3. Difficulty bears and retention of placenta:
Pulverizes Jarak Seed and pastes up ketitik acupuncture Yungchuan ( VIII/1 = K-1) which located in foot/feet palm midst.

4. Paralysis of face muscle:
Pulverizes Jarak seed, pastes up at joint mandibular and mouth curvature, 1 x day, during 10 days.

5. Cancer cervix:
Balm or cream contains 3-50/o ricin & 3% dimethyl sulfoxide, dabbed at cancer cervix 1 x / day, 5 - 6x / week for 1 - 2 month. Done together with irradiating extracorporal.

Side effects:
stomach pain in bone, itchy at privy parts cave, itchy of all body, eczema, biduran ( Urticaria), raucous, pembengkakan larynx, itchy at red lane, exfoliation of palm and foot/feet, trembles, fever, is losing with symptomatic drugs.

External usage: Braised, its(the water to clean or pulverized, patchs.
Leaf steamed to be matured, wrapped ill place.
Leaf + a few salts is pulverized, pastes up midpoint [by] foot/feet palm.
Fresh leaf is soaked [by] hot water until weakening, pastes up to place of pain.

Children 4 ml, drinks morning at the time zero stomach. Menstrual medium and pregnant woman is prohibited to drinks ( Causes light kongesti at flank organ).
Root: 15 - 30 gr, braises or team, drinks.

External usage:
Pulverized, patchs.
Rheumatic of articulation, epilepsi ( Catalepsy):
15 - 30 gr root is braised, drinks.

- Stiff, hurt beaten:
9 - 12 gr drought root, braises.

Headache, puking defecates, temperature, leucocytosis,
image of white corpuscle shifts kekiri, produce of urine is desisted, cool sweat, spastics, prostration, dies. Death can happened by swallowing 20 distance seeds at adult and 2 - 7 seed at children.
Eliminates its(the poison is done by the way of heating 100 ' C or more during 20 minutes or braised [by] during 2 hour(clock. But anticancer special quality loses with warm-up.

Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: Seed : Beloved taste, hot, neutral. very Poisonous fresh seed, is losing by the way of braised [by] during 2 hour(clock or with warm-up of 100'C during 20 minutes. Anti chafes, laxative ( purgative actions), correction prolaps, anti-neoplastic ( anti-kanker), eliminates poison ( eliminates toxin). Root: Haves the character of tranquilizer, anti-rheumatic. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Seed : Oil ricinic 4050 % with content glyceride from ricinoleic acid, isoricinoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, and stearic acid. Also contains ricinine, small number of cytochrome C, Lipase and some enzym. Beside ricin D, by the way of high rise purification got acidic ricin and basic ricin. Leaf: Kaemferol-3-rutinoside, nicotiflorin, isoquercitrin, routine, kaempferol, quercetin, astragalin, reynoutrin, ricinine, vitC 275 magnesiums %. Oil: Ricinoleic acid 80%, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, dihydroxystearic acid, triricinolein 68,2%, diricinolein 28%, monoricinolein 2,9%, nonricinolein 0,9%. Root: Methyltrans-2-decene-4,6,8-triynoate, 1-tridecene-3,5,7,9,11-pentyne, Beta-sitosterol.


( Jatropha gossypifolia L.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
This crop generally grows wild by the side of road(street, pasturage or in bush, at open places hit by sunshine in lowland. Its(the origin, from South America. Annual clump, grows straightening, height 1-2 m, with glandular hair that is mostly radiant branching, its(the soapy rubber. Bar is having wood, integer, its(the colour cacao, many branching. Unique leaf, length handle, inverse ovoid leaf blade until integer, shares 3-5, sharp-pointed acantha, long 7-22 cm, wide 6-20 cm, having colour young leaf is purple, its(the colour stripper leaf cacao purple. Compound interest in plane maiai of handle, funnel shaped, small, its(the colour purple, exit from tip of bar. In one trees there is stam inate flower and pistillate flower. Fruit of berkendaga three, ovoid, be rather lobed three with 6 length path, its(the colour green, if cooking to become black. Its(the seed integer, chocolate kehitaman. Its(the oleaginous seed. If extorted, the oil lamp applicable to.

Local Name :
Red costa distance, distance landi, distance cina ( Java), ; Kaleke bacu, kaleke jharak, kaleke jharat ( Madura).; Excellent distance ( Floats).;

Curable Disease :
Chafes child of ear, pembengkakan and skin disease, fever; Constipation, leprosy ( morbus hansen), puking incentive;

Exploiting :

PART USED: Leaf, seed.


Hard defecated.
Chafes child of ear.
Bloated and skin disease.

Oil from seed:
Puking incentive.
Leprosy ( Morbus Hansen).


To drink: External usage: Fresh leaf after cleaned then is pulverized, used for local usage at swelling as result of beaten, skin pain or leaf digodok, its(the water used to take a bath at fever patient.


1. Hard defecated :
a. Fresh leaf 3-4 sheets is washed out, dabbed palm oil then is shriveled above fire. Warm glued at stomach.
b. Seed which has cooked 20 item, burned. Box until smooth, then is eaten.

Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: Laxative, increases lust to eat. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Root: Alkaloid. Leaf: Tannin, calcium oksalat, slifur, pectip-substans. Bar: Tannin, sulphur.

Friday, February 15, 2008


( Jatropha podagrica Hook.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
This detectable crop as ornamental plant, planted in lawn or place of recreation. Its(the origin, from tropical America. Straightening clump, height 0,51,5 m, rubbery of white colour, single bar or a few branching, with inflatable and big bar jetty like corm. Handle leaf which length 20-30 cm, shield similar lamina, its form wide ovoid of the size penampang 20-40 cm, bercangap 3 or 5, sharp-pointed acantha or integer. Interest in plane panicle having handle length, female with interest and stam inate flower in one handles, its(the colour is red is orange. Fruit of form of wide ellipse, berkendaga three, long 1,5 cm. Ellipse seed or length integer.

Local Name :
Elephant bar distance.;

Curable Disease :
Fever, bloated beaten, nipped ordinary snake.;

Exploiting :
PART USED: All crop


Bloated beaten
Nipped rattler

To drink: 10-15 g is braised. Its(the dregs applied to be glued at ill place.

Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: Beloved, bitter, cool. Eliminates pain ( analgetik), eliminates pembengkakan, eliminates poison and cleans temperature.


( Ganoderma lucidum ( Leyssex Fr.) Karst.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
Grows saprofif at mouldy bole, grows wild and sometime is conducting. Body fruit of length handle growing straight upward, hat from its(the fruit body patching at the handle, semicircle similar and grows levels off. Body fruit of showing circles which is growth period boundary, edge wavies or lobed, side to with folds radier, its(the colour red chocolate of purple, gleams like shellac. Age a few years with every times forms new himenofora layers.

Local Name :
Supa sinduk ( Sunda).;

Curable Disease :
Difficult to sleep ( Insomnia), confused, bronkhitis, asthma, silicosis, hepatitis; Hypertension, heart pain, stomach pain, not lust eats; Rheumatism;

Exploiting :

Fruit body. After collected, cleaned then is put to the sun.

Body felt light ( Neurasthenia), confused.
Light taste as result of pain stripper .
Difficult to sleep ( insomnia).
chronic Bronkhitis, asthma, silicosis.
High blood pressure.
Coroner heart pain ( Coronary heart disease).
High cholesterol ( hipercholesterolemia).
Stomach pain ( gastritis).
Not lust eats ( anorexia).
Joint rheumatism ( Rheumatic arthritis).
Ageing delay.

To drink: 3-15 g, braises.

External usage.
Applied to have a cold ( Rhinitis).


1. Neurasthenia, difficult to sleep, abundant dream:
3-10 g wood mushroom is braised, drinks.

2. Chronic hepatitis, asphyxia ( asthma bronkhial):
1-2 g wood mushroom is made [by] powder, pours boiling water into with temperature water, drinks after chilling. Does 3 times one day.

3. Strengthens and increases body endurance:
Braises 15 g ling zhi with 4 clean water glass in soil;land;ground pot until remaining 2 glass. After chilling filtered and its(the water is added [by] 1 honey tablespoon. Scrambled until flattening, drinks. One day 2 times, every times drinks counted 1 glass.

Ling-zhi is mushroom sold in drugstore assortedly packaging in the form of mushroom cuttings or which diolah has like capsule, tablet, syrup, tincture or injection.

Composition :
CHEMICAL PROPERTY AND PHARMACOLOGY EFFECT: The taste is sweet is rather bitter, warmness, nontoxic. Strengthens and increases body endurance, prevents heart sickness, aphrodisiak, adds lust to eat ( stomakik), tranquilizer ( as dative, cough medicine ( antitussive and eliminates congested ( anti-asthmatic). CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Ergosterol, coumarin, fungal lysozyme, protease acid, protein dissolving in water, amino acid, polypeptidase and saccharida, and some kinds of minerals like sodium ( Sodium), calcium ( Calcium), zinc ( Zinc), copper ( Cobalt) and manganese ( Mn).


( Anacardium occidentale, Linn.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
Jambu Monyet ( ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE) including plant having chipping seed two or also is called as seed plant to split. Correct name to classify this plant is plant having leaf institute two or ddisebut also dicot. Jambu monkey has tree trunk that is scraggly and tan of stripper. Its(the leaf elliptical and short handle ( ovoid) with ridge berlekuk-lekuk, and guratan its(the stand-out leaf frame. Its(the interest having colour white. Part of its(the big fruit, fleshly softened, redish rust colored berair,dan is accessory fruit. Part of that is not fruit of actually, but is big fruit handle. Fruit of jambu monkey that is actually usualy is called as tee ( tee), that is fruit of kidney-shaped stone crustly and its(the seed having chipping two the by skin containing rubber.

Local Name :
Cashew ( English), Jambu Monyet, Tee jamu ( Indonesia); Jambu tee ( Java), Jambu mede ( Sunda), Gaju ( Floats);

Curable Disease :
Diabetes mellitus, Dysentery, Chafes mouth;

Exploiting :

1. Diabetes mellitus
Material: 2 bar skin cut jambu monkey and fennel pulawaras sufficiently.
Way Of Making: Both the material is braised together with 2 water litre until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening.

2. Dysentery
Material: 1 grasps leaf jambu monkey and 1 bar skin cut jambu monkey.
Way Of Making: Both the material is braised together with 1 1/2 water litres until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening.

3. Chafes orifice
Material: 1 grasps leaf jambu monkey and 1 bar skin cut
jambu monkey.
Way Of Making: Both the material is braised together with 1 water litre until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening.

Composition :
CHEMISTRY CONTENT : Jambu monkey ( ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE) for example containing chemical compound like tanim, anacardic acid and cardol, useful as antibakteri and antiseptic. Besides leaf jambu monkey which still be young also has composition of chemical content like vitellarium 2689 THE spring 100 grams, ascorbic acid 65 spring grams 100 grams, calorie 73 spring grams 100 grams, protein 4,6 spring grams 100 grams, fat 0,5 spring grams 100 grams, charcoal hydrate 16,3 spring grams 100 grams, calcium 33 spring milligrams 100 grams, phosphorus 64 spring milligrams 100 grams, iron 8,9 milligrams and water 78 spring grams 100 grams.


( Psidium guajava, Linn.)

Synonym :

Familia :

Description :
Guava ( Psidium guajava) spread over extends up to South-East Asia is including Indonesia, until South Asia, India and Srilangka. Guava is including clump crop and has many branchs and stick; its(the tree trunk firm. Surface of tan guava tree epidermis and smooth. If the guava bark is flaked, will seen surface of its(the bole wet. Form of its(the leaf is generally having pattern ovoid of the size rather big. Its(the interest is white having colour little and emerges from back of leaf axil. This crop can thrive in lowland area to come up with height of 1200 metre to sea level. At the age of 2-3 years guava has started bears fruit. Its(the seed many and there is at its(the kernels.

Local Name :
Psidium guajava ( Inggris/Belanda), Guava ( Indonesia); Jambu klutuk, Bayawas, tetokal, Tokal ( Java); Jambu klutuk, Jambu Batu ( Sunda), Jambu fosse ( Madura);

Curable Disease :
Diabetes mellitus, Maag, Diare ( stomachache), Catchs a cold, Enuresis; Prolapsisani, Sariawan, Skin Pain, New hurt;

Exploiting :

1. Diabetes mellitus
Material: 1 fruit of halfcooked guava
Way of making: fruit of guava dibelah becomes four parts and braised with 1 water litre until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening

2. Maag
Material: 8 guava leaf sheet which fresh still.
Way of making: braised with 1,5 water litres until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 3 times one day, morning, noon and evening.

3. Stomachache ( Diarrhoea and Mencret)
Material: 5 guava leaf sheet, 1 root cut, its(the skin and bar
Way of making: braised with 1,5 water litres until boiling then filtered to be taken its(the water
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day morning and evening.

4. Stomachache or Diare at baby which still suckling
Material: guava which still be young and salt sufficiently.
Way of using: munched by mother suckling the baby, its(the water swallowed and its(the dregs thrown.

5. Catchs a cold
Material: 10 guava leaf sheets which still be young, 1 item red chilli, 3 eye fruit of acid, 1 coconut sugar cut, salt sufficiently
Way of making: all the material is braised together with 1 water litre until boiling then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day.

6. Enuresis ( often urine) abundant
Material: 1 grasps guava leaf which still be young, 3 rice powder spoon fried without oil ( crucible = Java).
Way of making: both the material is braised together with 2,5 water glasses until boiling so remains 1 glass then is filtered.
Way of using: drinked every 3 hour(clock once 3 tablespoon.

7. Prolapsisani
Material: 1 grasps guava leaf, 1 guava bar skin cut.
Way of making: braised together with 2 water glass until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: the ingredient water in a state of still heating used intestine axis the mucous membrane compress to ( navel) at baby.

8. Sprue
Material: 1 grasps guava leaf, 1 guava bar skin cut.
Way of making: braised together with 2 water glass until boiling, then filtered to be taken its(the water.
Way of using: drinked 2 times one day.

9. Skin Pain
Material: 1 grasps guava leaf which still be young, 7 kuntum guava interest.
Way of making: boxed together until smooth
Way of using: to rub part of ill skin.

10. New hurt drug
Material: 3 guava leaf sprout.
Way of making: munched until soft
Way of using: glued at part of wounded body mengelurkan blood in order not to continuous.

Composition :
CHEMISTRY CONTENT : Fruit, leaf and guava tree trunk skin contains tannin, medium at its(the interest not many containing tannin. Guava leaf also contains other matter except tannin, like essential oils, acid ursolat, acid psidiolat, acid kratogolat, acid oleanolat, acid guajaverin and vitamin. Content fruit of guava ( 100 gr) - Calorie 49 kal - Vitamin A 25 SIES - Vitamin B1 0,02 magnesiums - Vitamin C 87 magnesiums - Calcium 14 magnesiums - Charcoal Hydrate 12,2 grams - Phosphorus 28 magnesiums - Iron 1,1 magnesiums - Protein 0,9 magnesiums - Fat 0,3 grams - Water 86 grams


( Syzygium cumini [ Linn. ] Skeels.)

Synonym :
S. jambolana Miq., Eugenia cumini ( Levator skapula.) Druce., E. jambolana Lamk.

Familia :

Description :
Jamblang pertained fruits plant coming from Asia and tropic Australian. Usualy is planted in lawn or grows wild, especially in teak;core forest. Jamblang grows in lowland until height of 500 m dpl. Tree with height 10-20 m is having bar thick, growing of curving, and branching many. Unique leaf, thick, leaf handle 1-3,5 cm. Long integer wide leaf blade or overturn ovoid, wide jetty is in the form of wedge, plane edge, fin bone, surface to gleaming, long 7-16 cm, wide 5-9 cm, its(the colour green. Compound interest form of panicle with branch that is is each other berjauhan, interest sits, grows in leaf axil and in tip of ramification, calyx form of bell is having colour young green, egg globularity crown, stamen many, having colour white, and its(the aroma fragrance. Its(the fruit bacca, oblong, long 2-3 cm, still be young become green, after cooking its(the colour purple carmine. Seed one, form of oblong, firm, its(the white colour. Roots riding, branchs, having colour young cacao. Usually, fruit of jamblang which is ripe is eaten [by] fresh. Likely rather sour and astringent. Bark can be applied as colourant.

Local Name :
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: jambe kleng ( Acheh), jambu kling ( Gayo), jambu underlayer ( Mink.). ] awa: jamblang ( Sunda), juwet, duwet, d. manting ( Java), dhalas, d. bato, dhuwak ( Madura). Nusa Tenggara: juwet, jujutan ( Bali), klayu ( Plant press), duwe ( Bima), crest ( Flores) . Sulawesi: raporapo jawa ( Makasar), alicopeng ( Bugis). My shame: jambula ( Ternate). Malay: jamlang, jambelang, duwet. NAME OF STRANGERS(FOREIGNERS Hainan pu tao, wu kou guo, zi pu tao ( C), waa ( tee), plum java, black plum, jambolan, crest ( I). NAME OF SIMPLISIA SYZYGII cumini Cortex ( bark jamblang), Syzygii cumini Semen ( seed jamblang).

Curable Disease :
Kernel the taste is beloved acid, in character cold, strong astringen, smells aromatic. Having special quality melumas lung organ, stops coughing, peluruh urine ( diuretic), peluruh kentut ( carminative), improve;repairs indigestion, stimulates its(the exit saliva, and reduces blood glucose rate ( hipoglikemik). Bark is having special quality for peluruh menstruation. Result of research shows seed, leaf, and bark jamblang has special quality to reduce blood glucose rate ( effect hipoglikemik) at diabetes mellitus patient type II. Research in India gets result that fruit of potential jamblang as contraception drug at man. At animal attempt, jamblang can prevent incidence [of] cataract as result of diabetes. Jamblang also reduces risk incidence [of] atherosklerosis until 60--90% at patient diabetes. This thing happened because content oleanolic acid at jamblang can depress the role of free radical in forming atherosklerosis.

Exploiting :

Part of crop that is serve the purpose of drug is bark, kernel, and its(the seed. Kernel can be applied fresh or which has been dried. If kernel is eaten, will cause buccal cavity and purple tongue.

Kernel applied for therapy:
diabetes ( diabetes mellitus),
coughs chronic, asphyxia ( asthma),
whooping, coughs at TB lung is accompanied [by] chest pain in bone,
gastric pain in bone and diarrhoea.

Seed applied for therapy:
diabetes ( diabetes mellitus),
diarrhoea, dysentery,
indigestion like swelling, stomach pain in bone, keram stomach,
strychnine poisoned ( antidote that is is specific not), and
magnification of spleen. Bark applied for therapy:
diabetes ( diabetes mellitus),

Kernel can be eaten sufficiently as fruit of desk.


Coughs chronic, asthma
Cleans fruit of jamblang fresh ( 15 g) until cleanness, its(the seed exhaust, then ate. Does thrice one day.
Provides fruit of jamblang drought ( 15 g). Packs into bowl, adds water until all fruit of terendam, then team until matured.
After chilling, drinks its(the water and eats its(the fruit is at the same time. Does thrice one day..

Prepares fruit of jamblang drought ( 15 g), hen bile ( 1 fruit), and sand sugar sufficiently. Packs into bowl, adds water until all part of terendam, then team until matured. Drinks its(the water and eats its contents. Does once one day until recovering.

Coughs at TB Paru is accompanied [by] chest pain in bone
Prepares fruit of jamblang fresh ( 30 g, if it is used fruit of keriny to apply 15 g) and leaf sembung fresh (' Blumea balsamifera) ( 25 g).
Cleans all material, then cut to pieces leaf sembung the need of his(its. Packs into bowl, adds sand sugar ( 15 g) and water sufficiently until all material terendam. Team until matured. After chilling, drinks its(the water. Eats its(the fruit, but its(the seed thrown. Does every night before sleep.

Diarrhoea at chlid
Prepares fruit of jamblang under done fresh and rice which have been singeed until yellows ( masingmasing 6 g). Packs into bowl, adds water sufficiently until all material terendam. Team until matured. After chilling, eats at the same time. Does thrice one day.

Gastric pain in bone
Singes fruit of jamblang seedlessness drought ( 30 g) until aromatic. Packs into bowl, adds water sufficiently until all material terendam, then team until matured. After chilling, eats entirely.
Does thrice one day, during 10 days.

Braises bark or leaf sufficiently. After chilling, applies for berkumur-kumur. Does 3--4 times in one day.
Some of regions in South-East Asia applies root jamblang for

catalepsy therapy ( epilepsi).
Content oleanolic acid at jamblang and Surinam cherry ( Eugenia uniflora) applied by traditional pengobat in South America to lessen damage at heart and cancer patient liver getting therapy of chemotherapy doxorubicin.
Jamblang and other species ( Eugenia caryophyllata) what is ripe contained compound which can activate enzyme glutathione S-transferase in liver. This enzyme has detoxyfication special quality.
At animal attempt, enzyme product increase glutathione S-transferase will reduce case of gastric cancer until closing 80%.
Practitioner ayurvedic reports that kernel jamblang can reduce blood sugar rate in 30 minutes. Whereas seed jamblang reduces sugar rate within 24 hours. Result of attainment maximum of effect hipoglikemik from jamblang requires ten days therapy.

Composition :
oleaginous Jamblang of volatile, phenol ( methylxanthoxylin), alkaloid ( jambosine), organic acid, triterpenoid, acidulous wine-colored resin of elagat and tannin.


( Zea mays L.)

Synonym :

Familia :
Poaceae ( Gramineae).

Description :
Crop, straightening, height more or less 1,5 metre. Round bar, massif, doesn't branch, yellow colour or jingga. Unique leaf, having frond, length integer, sharp-pointed back part, plane edge, long 35-100 cm, wide 3-12 cm, green colour. Compound interest, stam inate flower and female form of seed, in tip of bar and in leaf axil, white colour. Fruit of is in the form of cob, long 8-20 cm, chartreuse colour.

Local Name :
NAME OF SIMPLISIA MAIDIS STIGMATA; Corn Hair. Maidis Amylum; Corn starch.

Curable Disease :
Typically Rather beloved. Special Quality Antilitik, diuretic, and hipotensif. RESEARCH Sukensri Hardianto, 1989. Faculty of pharmacy, UGM. Counsellor: Dr. Ediati S., Apt. and DR. Sasmito. has done research of young cob infusion influence to calcium calculus solubility in in vitro. From result of the research, simply: 1. Existence of influence between infusion rates and potassium rate vang s(he is in condensation. 2. Adanva influence between infusion rates and rate Y{alsium vang dissolved in condensation. 3. Calcium calculus has biggest solubility in young cob infusion with rate 5%. At higher level infusion rate of its(the solubility experiencing degradation

Exploiting :

Hair shaped and young cob


Hair shaped or young cob:
1. Gallstone.
2. Calculus.
3. Dropsical at chafing kidney.
4. Stomach oedema.
5. Hepatitis.
6. Diabetes.
7. Chafes gall bladder. 8. Cirrhosis.
9. High blood pressure.


5 Young corn
Fresh catkin Herb 5 gram
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion. Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: repeated during 14 days.

Ingredient: 4 Young corn
Corn Hair 1 grasps
Despicable Leaf of Beling fresh 8 sheet
Water 110 ml
Way of making: Made infusion. Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 14 days. After exit stone, either in the form of gravel, prilled and also curative effervescence is stopped, then is continued by drinking Jamu Kumis Kucing and Meniran which as described at presentation of Catkin.

High blood pressure :
Young corn 5-7 cobs
Corn Hair 1 grasps
Water 110 ml Cara making:
Made infusion. Way of usage:
Drinked 1 times one day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated during 7 day. Usage of hair Jagung so that neglectless because blood pressure can go down swiftly.

Composition :
Hair : Saponin, tannic matter, flavone, essential oils, fixed oil, alantoin, and bitter matter. Interest : Stigmasterol.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


( Zingiber officinale Rosc.)

Synonym :
Familia :

Description :
Herb crop as of season, straightening, height 40-50 cm. Pseudo-stem, grooved, forms rhizome, green colour. Unique leaf, form of Iancet, plane edge, sharp-pointed back part, dull jetty, stripper green colour. Compound interest, form of seed, narrow;tight, sharp-pointed back part, long 3,5-5 cm, wide 1,5-2 cm, corolla form of funnel, long 2-2,5 cm, purple. Fruit of box, length integer, cacao colour.

Local Name :

Curable Disease :
Typically Sharply and sumelada. Carminative Special Quality, stomakik, stimulant, and diaforetik. RESEARCH Latifah,1987. Pharmacy Majors, FMIPA UNPAD. Has done research of juice analgesic influence of rhizome Jahe Merah at white mouse. From result of the research, simply juice of rhizome Jahe gives real effect to extention of reaction time. Ever greater of dose given, ever greater of effect extention of reaction time ( reduction effect of sencitification pain taste). Juice giving of rhizome red ginger between 199,8 mg/kg and 218,0 mg/kg bb has equivalent analgesic energy?power with salicylic acid analgesic energy?power 10 magnesiums /kg bb. Ema Viaza,1991. Pharmacy Majors, FMIPA UI. Has done research of antifungal effect of Jahe to mushroom Tricophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, and Microsparum canis. From result of the research, simply mushroom Tricophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, and Microsparum canis gives stop rate a minimum of as follows: 6,25; 12,5 mg/ml. Based on resistance zona obtained, highest antifungal effect is given to mushroom Tricophyton mentagrophytes, then is caught up Trichophyton rubrum, and Microsparum canis. Note Of Distinguishable ginger to two types. 1. Bitter Ginger. 2. Red Ginger ( sunti).

Exploiting :



1. Asi.
2. Coughs.
3. Awakens appetite. 4. Stomachache.
5. Flatulent stomach. 6. Serbat.
7. Itchy ( external drug).
8. Hurt ( external drug).
9. Headache ( external drug). 10. Flu ( external drug).


Red Ginger ( scar) 3 rhizome
Way of making: Extorted.
Way of usage: Drinked 3 times one day 1 teaspoon.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 3 day.
Serbat Ingredient: Ginger 1 rhizome
Clover 2 seed
Fruit Of Kemukus 4 seed
Fruit Of Java Chilli 3 seed
Sereh 1 hand phalange
Nutmeg Seed 1 / 5 item
Orange Leaf Purut 1/2 sheets
Sweet Bark a few
Palm sugar sufficiently
Water 200 ml
Way of making: Made infusion or poured boiling water.
Way of usage: Drinked 2 times one day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.
Duration of treatment : Repeated during 4 day.

Fish and prawn very well to launch ASI.
Sometime susceptible baby to ASI is smelling fish or prawn. To prevent breast-feeding mothers the thing must eat fresh vegetable Jahe or Kemangi.
Headache and Selesma ( Influenza)
Influenza patient usually feels pain in bone in back and in waist ( greges-greges). To lessen the pain in bone taste is patient earns
dosed with ingredient as follows.
Red Ginger some rhizomes
Water sufficiently
Way of making: finite Dipipis is in the form of pasta.
Way of usage: Adds toilet water sufficiently and rubs at organ which felt pain in bone. For headache glued at pelipis and patient ear back.

Red Ginger of 1 rhizome
Herb Poko fresh 1 grasps
Fruit of kemukus 6 item
Black Dill Seed of 2 item
Water a few
Way of making:
finite make in the form of pasta.
Way of usage:
Removes ingredient to clean cloth and tie with string, then packs into warm vinegar and dabs to from head to foot, to quicken its(the exit sweat.

Composition :
Zingiberene essential oils ( zingirona), zingiberol, bisabolena, kurkumen, gingerol, filandrena, and bitter resin.